The perfect breakfast solution for people who cannot decide between oatmeal and pancakes, this recipe is for the softer pancake version of the popular...
Combine breakfast favorites oatmeal and pancakes for the perfect start to your day. Rolled oats give these pancakes a hearty, nutty flavor. Serve your...
These are an old favorite of mine. I use small-curd, low-fat cottage cheese. They come out thin and delicate, somewhere between a classic pancake and a...
Quick, easy, delicious pumpkin pancakes from scratch. Developed for my pumpkin-loving grandson who will eat almost anything containing pumpkin. Serve warm...
Yet another way to utilize your sourdough starter. Try topping these yummy pancakes with fresh fruit and whipped cream. I hope you like them! The amount...
This recipe is so delicious and easy to make. I come from a really Swedish town - Rockford, Illinois - where Swedish pancakes are a favorite for Sunday...
Pancakes vary in thickness from the ultra-thin French crepe to the robust American breakfast pancake. In this recipe, which calls for sliced cinnamon apples,...
This is a recipe from a cafe in Santa Fe, New Mexico. They are good with maple syrup or, if you're ambitious, with homemade peach or raspberry spread....
These are a light Danish-style pancake that will require an ebelskiver cast iron pan. Serve warm with melted butter. Can be rolled into powdered sugar...
Easy, satisfying, and full of whole grain goodness! Top as desired- I like mine with peanut butter and sugar-free syrup. Also, any chopped fruit, nuts,...
This has to be one of the best pancakes I have ever had. They smell wonderful and taste like banana nut bread! When you make these on a Sunday morning,...
I loved this pancake recipe. Way better than a mix at the store but I wanted to cut a little of the fat. I make them with less butter, egg whites instead...
Fresh out of the skillet, these buckwheat pancakes go great with homemade sausage. This is a forgiving recipe, and each kitchen and cook seems to add a...
Sweet and delicious buttermilk pancakes with a butter, brown sugar, and cinnamon swirl filling. These are great any time of the day and less time consuming...
Light, fluffy, slightly sweet, with a hint of salt, this souffle pancake has become a family favorite. My husband combined a couple of different recipes...
This pancake is also delicious without the berries, which can be served alongside instead.This recipe is one of our Better Basics: 10 New Takes on Family...
A delicious way to add fruit into breakfast! Okay, it should probably serve 4 but if you have big eaters, don't be surprised if it is divided! Fortunately,...
This is my favorite pancake recipe that I make for my family and friends. They are soft, fluffy, and very easy to make. The chocolate chips can be substituted...
I make this for my kids quite often. It is very simple. Preparing the batter in the food processor makes it that much easier. Serve with syrup and butter....
I have a common pancake recipe that I modify from time to time. This one tastes fantastic with warm maple or strawberry syrup. I freeze leftover pancakes...
Delicious, easy, and quick keto pancakes. Serve with syrup and customize with your choice of toppings, like pecans, whipped cream, or blueberry jam. If...
Syrniki are traditional pancakes from Russia and usually served for breakfast with jam or sour cream. The cheese used to make them is called tvorog, the...
If you have whole wheat pancakes instead of white flour ones, are you allowed an extra piece of bacon? Probably. Or just start your morning off hearty...
Threw this together for my family for Thanksgiving breakfast and it was a hit. The boys asked if it was pumpkin pie! If desired, you can add chocolate...
My Aussie friend uses this recipe as her standard pancake recipe. Pikelets are the Scottish version of the southern British crumpet. They are also great...
If you like Harvest Grain N' Nut pancakes, I have the recipe for you. Nutty, moist and tasty pancakes! This is the BEST pancake recipe I've tried, and...
This recipe for a delightful breakfast treat is perfect for the entire family and is courtesy of viewer Terry Coulter of Virginia. Terry also recommends...
I know it sounds like a weird recipe, but it's amazing and so healthy for you! Gluten-free alternative to pancakes. Enjoy with your favorite fruit topping...